We love doing these kinds of projects:
- International Comparative Studies: Several projects that enable us analyzing performance matrix and producing benchmark reports on national transport systems.
- Strategic Planning and Policy Impact Evaluation: Several projects that allow us to provide independent overview with regional research and policy evaluation (using AI and Data Mining tools).
- Transport Data and Analytics: A project that requires us to collect and analyze data and information on your transport operations and performance.
- Transport Performance Evaluation: A project that requires us to collect the best data available, measure the system performance, and compare the systems in different cities, countries, and under different policies and/or investment strategies.
- Transport Future Research: A project that allows us think about the future of transport systems - an ecosystem for both passenger and freight transport to support the economic competitiveness of a region or a country.
- Innovation and Technology Transfer: A project that promotes innovation and new methods in transport system development and sustainable operations, including the CDA (corporative driving automation), TEV (testing, evaluation & validation), AAM (advanced air mobility - system integration & management), and PNT (positioning, navigation & timing services).
- Transport Safety and Security: A project that requires you to ensure and enhance the safety and security of your transport operations and personnel.
- Fleet Maintenance and Management: We provide consulting services to transport companies, forwarding logistics (CargoWise), and equipment/vehicle rental/sharing, such as containers, trucks, buses, trains, planes, etc.
- Customer Satisfaction Survey: We design and provide outreach programs to collect and analyze feedback from your customers on their satisfaction with your transport services.
- Research Collaboration and Project Development: We put our experts together to facilitate joint research projects, and help form teams with other consulting groups for planning/design, preliminary engineering, NEPA permitting, and construction program management.
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